Family Camp
The purpose of Macedonian Call Ministries Family Camp is to provide an environment where families can connect with God and with one another. Too often our significant spiritual moments take place isolated from our families. Perhaps you can identify times when Dad attended a Men’s Retreat, Mom enjoyed a Women’s Ministry Event, or maybe the kids spent a week at Youth Camp and encountered Christ in a meaningful way. But you may also have had the common experience of struggling to explain how God changed you during the time you were away from you family. That incident can be frustrating and stall your renewed passion for Christ. But wouldn’t it be great to watch your family members experiencing that renewal? What if there was an opportunity where ALL the family could experience spiritual renewal together? At Family Camp, families can worship together, play together, eat together, and laugh together in an environment that was structured for spiritual impact.
Discipleship with Collegiates
Family Camp is not only about families, it’s also about collegiate discipleship. Macedonian Call Ministries employs college students to come alongside the families at camp to offer support and encouragement to the family units. In the process of mentoring the students in their roles of leading families in devotionals and in teaching children in their Bible classes, we are teaching the students how families should function according to Scripture. We are making an investment in future husbands and wives and in future moms and dads
What You Can Do to Help with Family Ministries
Attend Family Camp with your family
Sponsor a family at Family Camp
Sponsor one of our Collegiate Family Assistants.
You can request a Macedonian Call Ministries speaker for your church or conference. Our staff members can serve as a speaker for your event or can help you design an event that fits your need at your church. Our fees for speaking and helping your church design a conference is based on the size of your church and event.